Three dancers contend with thousands of black granulated fragments that transform their world. Images jar, shifting in response to light, sound and movement. Little by little, light gives way and darkness takes over.
Watched from above, Black Out is wonderfully intimate and intriguing. Somewhere between dance, performance and graphic art, it is an experience in which perceptions and perspectives won't stay still.
Black Out takes place in a specially constructed box on the Dance House stage, with the audience looking in. There are a limited number of tickets for each performance. We advise booking early, particularly if you want to bring a group. Please click here for access information about the set.
Join the performers for a question and answer session after the 8pm performance on 10 November.
Black Out performer Benjamin Khan is leading a workshop called Into the Dark as part of the artist development programme we're running with Groundwork Pro. It's on Saturday 11 November from 11am to 1pm at the Dance House. Click here for information.